Taking care of owls and other birds of prey:

Taking care of owls and other birds of prey requires a lot of time and energy. You must take all of this in consideration before you take de decision to purchase such a bird. On the other hand, takig care of these animals could also bring you much joy and fullfilment, such as it bring us. In that case: go for it!


What do owls eat and drink?
Just like any human being, an owl needs a varied diet. The simple reason for this, is the fact that they have to catch and eat just what's available at that time when they are in the wild. And this varies mostly from mice to chicks, rats, guinea pigs and rabits. The opinions of specialists vary about the question whether or how often owls drink. Normally the owl will get it's fluids from the meat they eat. We believe that, how little as it may be, owls need a constant watersupply. So make sure there always is a container of water available. Take in consideration that owlets can drown in water that's to deep! And also try to refresh and clean every day or at least every two days.

How much do they eat?
Óutside the breeding season our advice would be to feed them only at night. Then the advice is to check the food every morning. When all the food has been eaten, you can give them some more that evening.

The trick is to feed the owls that much, that there are some left-overs every morning. Left-overs have to be removed from the aviary every morning. Next to that we advise you to add a dietary supplement twice a week. During the breeding season, you'll have to feed them every morning and evening.


Is that all?
No, no, no!! Apart from all the activities and precautions we have allready mentioned, the birds need a lot of attention. For example: during breeding season, nest boxes have to be checked for eggs at least twice a week. When the aggs have hatched, the owlings have to be chipped and some feathers have to be plucked to determine it's gender. The feeding platforms have to be cleaned at least once a week and the aviary has te be cleaned and swiped at least once a week. Besides that: your owles deserve and need, as a mather of speech, constant monitoring to keep an eye of your owl's shape and health.



These are just some general and random tips and advices regarding keeping and taking care of birds of prey in general and owls in particular.

Are you intriged or even convinced that you have to start keeping and nurturing owls, but you would like some more specific information and insights? Please do not hesitate to contact us!